Looking good? Ugh.

About 2 months post-partum, our good friends wanted to take us out to dinner.  My friend and I decided to take the train out to meet our husbands at the restaurant.  Now, it had been a while since I had gone out.  Third trimester left me drained, and I went to sleep at 8pm pretty much every night.  The 2 months post-partum were a fog that I was just coming out of.  A night of wearing nice clothes and having great conversation was a welcome change.  It was still warm outside, so I chose a nice black dress and heels (maternity dress and wedges, but come on, I’m trying to make the story interesting!) put on my makeup and straightened my hair.  I felt pretty good and was looking forward to a night out!

My friend and I were running late and by the time we bought our tickets, the train was about to leave.  We jumped on the first car we could and easily found some seats on the upper level, overlooking the rest of the train. We were sitting with our backs to the window, to give you a better idea...


We get to chatting. Laughing and chatting, going over hilarious details of our lives.  Out of the corner of my eye, I see a man about our age looking at us.  I smile, he smiles.  He goes back to his paper, and I continue chatting with my friend.  Again, a few minutes later, he looks at us again.  And then a few minutes later, he looks over a third time.  Now, it has been a while since I felt like an attractive woman, so forgive me if I got too excited, but I sure was proud of myself.  Here I am 2 months post-partum, just getting out for the first night away, and already I have caught someone’s attention?  I am very, very happily married, but a little boost to my ego was just what I needed!
I whisper to my friend “don’t look now, but the guy to my right is totally checking us out!”  She says, “that’s what I thought! He keeps looking over here.”  About half-way through the train ride, he puts his paper down and walks toward us.  I cannot believe this guy’s confidence.  Just walking over to talk to two women on a train?!   He bends down and says “Ladies…”  We lean in and say “yes?”  He responds with “This is the quiet train.  There is no talking.”   

That stings.  That really stings. 

Note: Web images sourced from Getty Images

1 comment

  • Tai

    Ouch. That happened to me once when I was in an elevator…but the guy couldn’t read the floor numbers. He wasn’t looking at me, at all. Sigh.

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